Thank you for your interest in adopting a rabbit! As we are a small, home-based rescue our capacity for rabbits is not huge, so we only have a few rabbits in our care at one time.
Below you will find details of our rabbit adoption policy and the current rabbits in our care. We offer a full bonding service for anyone adopting a rabbit from us as a partner for their current rabbit.
Looking to adopt rabbits but we don’t have anyone suitable available? Join our adoption mailing list to receive emails when we have any newbies ready for their forever homes!
We are a member of BaBBA Campaign’s Ethical Rescue Standard, and further information on our adoption requirements can be found in the drop-down section below Our rabbits are neutered and fully vaccinated prior to adoption.
We ensure that our rabbits are bonded with other rabbits, either at the rescue or in their new home.
Home-checks are carried out and a minimum space of 60sq ft is required.
Our adopters are offered life-time support and rabbits must be returned to our care if circumstances change.
We have a no-kill policy – healthy rabbits will not be euthanised
We do not receive money from pet retailers and rely entirely on public donations.
We are against the breeding and selling of rabbits.
Rabbits are highly social animals, so we do not adopt out rabbits to live alone. We provide a full bonding service for rabbits being adopted from us to join an existing rabbit, and support and advice after taking your rabbits home will always be available, with full rescue back-up provided should any bonds fail.
Rabbits adopted from us will be neutered and fully vaccinated against Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2. If you are adopting a rabbit as a companion for an existing rabbit, they must also be neutered and fully vaccinated against Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2.
An average sized pair of rabbits will need permanent 24/7 access to a minimum of 60 square feet of space (larger buns will need more!). Space for indoor bunnies must be rabbit-proofed, and outdoor enclosures must be predator-proofed. Please visit our housing pages for more advice and examples of suitable housing:
An informal home-check will be carried out prior to adoption, to check your set-up is suitable for the particular animal(s) you wish to adopt. This is also a chance for you to ask us any questions!
The majority of a rabbit’s diet must be hay/grass (85%), to promote digestive and dental health, so a supply of good quality hay or grass should always be available. For indoor bunnies, we highly recommend growing grass in trays or picking grass to feed. 10% of a rabbits diet should be made up of fresh leafy greens/fresh wild forage (ideally the latter!). A list of safe fresh foods is available via the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund. Muesli style dried food should never be fed, and most healthy adult rabbits don’t require pellets providing they eat plenty of hay and are fed a variety of safe greens/forage. If pellets are fed, only a very small amount should be provided.
Please read our advice pages for more info on diet:
Adoption Fees
Our adoption fee for a single rabbit is £80, and for a bonded pair £120, to help cover the costs of caring for the animals at Tiny Paws MCR. This does not cover neutering & vaccination costs (in the region of £150-200 per rabbit), so if you are able to donate more we would really appreciate it.
Adopters must be age 18+.